Davinci UPDAT 3.8 AI Web Chat, AI Chat PDF, and AI CHAT CSV

Admin / February 29, 2024

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Here are the details about the changes made in our portal with the 3.8 update regarding AI Web Chat, AI Chat PDF, and AI CHAT CSV:

1. AI Web Chat: With the 3.8 update, we have optimized the AI Web Chat function to provide an even better chat experience for users. The AI chatbot has been improved to generate more precise and intelligent responses. Additionally, the natural language processing (NLP) capabilities have been enhanced to ensure better detection and interpretation of user queries. This leads to faster and more efficient communication between the chatbot and users.

2. AI Chat PDF: With the 3.8 update, we have expanded the features of AI Chat PDF. Users can now easily export chat transcripts into PDF format to permanently store or share them. This simplifies the documentation of chat discussions or the tracking of chat history for later reference.

3. AI CHAT CSV: The 3.8 update also introduced improvements to the AI CHAT CSV function. Users can now export chat logs directly into CSV format, enabling easier integration and analysis of chat history. This can be particularly useful for statistical evaluations and trend analysis of the chat interactions with the artificial intelligence.

Overall, the 3.8 update in our portal enhances the user experience and provides advanced capabilities in AI Web Chat, AI Chat PDF, and AI CHAT CSV. With these updates, users have increased flexibility and efficiency when utilizing the various chat features in our portal.